Tradigital tools

Today I want to share the latest episode of the Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast, where they discuss all-around tradigital animation and all available software these days.

They went through their experiences working on professional software like Toon Boom and TV Paint, Photoshop and Animate CC (flash), additionally mentioned the newest feature in Procreate 5, a well-known app for iPad. They talked about all the advantages and disadvantages of all these digital tools.

Also, they mentioned all new 2D animation features and series that came out this year. And what if it is a fresh start for traditional animation to reborn and be competitive in this digital 3D era.

Please enjoy.


With this first post, I would like to share with you podcasts that I like to listen to, and which inspire me to start studying animation. Some of them are not that active, but some do post regularly. 
I’ll be glad if you’ll find something interesting for yourself.

And the last one not about animation, but their central theme is an illustration. However, they have some interesting topics that could be interesting to hear for any creative individuals.